Contact person(s):
Anita Bálint -
Program website:
Project summary:
Extreme weather events attributed to climate change are expected to increase in intensity and frequency even under the best-case climate scenario (1.5°C average temperature rise), exacerbating existing territorial stresses and further challenging regional authorities’ preparedness & adaptive capacities to operationally deal with emergencies (heatwaves, floods, coastal erosion) and build climate resilience.
A CLIMATE projekt 8 uniós országból 9 partnert fog össze, akik a klímapolitikájukat tekintve különböző szabályozási szinttel és operatív kompetenciával rendelkeznek. Céljuk, hogy olyan integrált éghajlat-politikai megközelítést vezessenek be, amely a területi sebezhetőség alapvető okaira fókuszál és elősegíti a proaktív katasztrófa-kezelést. A közös szakpolitikai tanulás és a tapasztalatcsere révén a partnerek javítani tudják területi szabályozásaikat, megerősítik kapacitásaikat:
- Advance regulatory convergence and multi-dimensional climate resilience planning
-Highlight the role of civil protection as an integral part of climate governance
-Deal with climate uncertainty and the lack of evidence-based risk/impact assessment
-Employ a bottom-up, socially inclusive approach to hazards management
-Mobilise investments for climate-resilient infrastructures
-8 improved policy instruments, benefiting managing authorities & stakeholders
-Increased capacity of 150 public administrations to formulate and implement fit-for-purpose, socially aware climate adaptation responses
-18M euros unlocked to support projects on risk/vulnerability studies, climate data management, surveillance systems, emergency response protocols, infrastructure upgrades, green urban interventions, ecological restoration and open governance structures
-6 workshops & 2 study visits to promote capacity building
-2-year joint policy planning procedures
-4 joint thematic studies on territorial needs and 47 good practices to guide policy improvements
-8 regional infodays, 1 EU-wide policy learning event
- Region of Ionian Islands/Περιφέρεια Ιονίων Νήσων_GR - LP01
Project partnership:
- Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY/Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY_FI – PP02
- City of Brussels/Ville de Bruxelles – Stad Brussel_BE – PP03
- Lombardy Foundation for the Environment/Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente_IT – PP04
- Province of Drenthe/Provincie Drenthe_NL – PP05
- Vidzeme Planning region/Vidzemes plānošanas reģions_LV – PP06
- Stara Zagora Municipality/Община Стара Загора_BG – PP07
- University of Patras/Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών_GR – PP08
- Vas County Government Office/Vas Vármegyei Önkormányzati Hivatal_HU PP09
Associated partners:
- Lombardy Region/Regione Lombardia_IT – ASP
- CLIMATE – 1st Newsletter
- CLIMATE – 1. hírlevél
- CLIMATE – Brochure
- CLIMATE – Flyer
- CLIMATE – kiadvány
- CLIMATE – Communication plan
- Visual templates
- Photos-20_Background_images
„The project is realized in the Interreg Europe Program with the co-financing of the ERDF, the European Union and Hungary.”